What do the New York Times, the IRS and David Cay Johnston have in common?

Saturday, August 05, 2006


Can’t you almost imagine Mr. Johnson telling Mr. Schiff, "Don’t worry! I’m on your side! See I'm writing everything you say down. You can trust me to write the truth."
*When Mr. Schiff was not allowed to present exculpatory evidence or any law or any witnesses whose credentials would impress the jury at his trial the New York Times reporter, David Cay Johnson, did not expose those facts. When the IRS illegally took Mr. Schiff's commissary funds, which they did not do to Alphonse Capone, Vice President Spiro Agnew or John Gotti, therein preventing Mr. Schiff him from buying anything in prison or make a phone call to make his life tolerable Mr. Johnson was silent. Well, here is another activity the fair and balanced reporter, (is Fox News correct about The Times?) Mr. Johnson, will not write about.

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