What do the New York Times, the IRS and David Cay Johnston have in common?

Saturday, August 05, 2006


Mr. Schiff requested his sentence be served in Connecticut. The real criminal during Me. Schiff's trial, Judge Dawson, granted that request. However, that is not exactly what happened. During a four month period the almost eighty year old Mr. Schiff was transferred from Las Vegas via New Mexico to Arizona. Then to California. Next came Oklahoma. Now he is in New Jersey. Each time he was shackled hand to foot and in a cage on a bus sitting on a hard bench for hours on end. This is referred to as "Diesel Therapy." Even though they know Mr. Schiff has a condition that prevents him from feeling anything below his knees they made him wear army boots. After he removed those boots his socks were soaked with blood and all the skin had worn off of his toes! Not only is he being physically tortured but because the prison system does not forward mail it also keeps Mr. Schiff from receiving mail from the people who are helping him with his appeal or are concerned about his welfare. Five of our letters to him have been returned as "Unknown Inmate."
We will not be surprised if the next address for Mr. Schiff is Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq or Boot Hill in Las Vegas in an unmarked pauper's grave.
It is obvious to us this is an effort to incapacitate or kill Mr. Schiff to shut him up before he can embarrass the federal justice system during his appeal.
Therefore, we hope Mr. Johnson beams with pride as he tells his reading audience just how proud they should be of the humane way their master, the federal government, treats a proud, honest patriot whose only crime was telling the truth as his health is failing him.

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